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Aloiz - Spanish serenade for cello and piano

Aloiz - Spanish serenade for cello and piano. You can download the sheet music Aloiz - Spanish serenade for cello and piano on this page. This unique musical composition is the grand cello masterpiece by the brilliant and talented genius.

Quarter-tone music, Alois Hába was convinced, would represent a major enrichment of European musical language. As he repeatedly stated, it was the genuine folk music of his own native region that led him to the idea of enriching European musical language with smaller intervals than the half-tones that are usual in European genuine folk music. Hába was a prolific composer and continued to compose almost to the end of his life. He taught and influenced many musicians. Besides followers in his own country, Hába attracted students from southern Slavic countries (Slovenia, Serbia, Bulgaria), Lithuania, Turkey, and elsewhere. The Prague Conservatory in general enjoyed an international reputation, and a great deal of credit for that goes to the contacts and pioneering efforts of Alois Hába.

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PDF format sheet music

Cello part: 3 pages. 219 K


Piano part: 6 pages. 473 K


Instrument part - First page Piano part - First page
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