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Arapov - Cello sonata (1985)

Arapov - Cello sonata (1985). You can download the PDF sheet music Arapov - Cello sonata (1985) on this page. Boris Alexandrovich Arapov (1905-1992) was a Russian composer who taught at the Leningrad Conservatoire. He received his earliest music lessons from his mother in Poltava. In 1945, he worked as a professor and held a class in orchestration and was the deputy director of the Conservatoire. When Shostakovich returned to Moscow in 1943 after evacuation, he began teaching at the Moscow Conservatoire and worked there until 20 August 1948.He also worked at the Leningrad Conservatoire during this time and held classes and attended exams during almost every trip to Leningrad. Arapov first encountered Uzbek music and took an interest in Far Eastern music; his music reflects his travels through China and Korea.

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Instrument part: 15 pages. 1014 K


Piano part: 48 pages. 1923 K


Arapov - Cello sonata (1985) - Instrument part - first page Arapov - Cello sonata (1985) - Piano part - first page
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Boris Arapov (1905-1992) was a fellow-countryman and outstanding composer from Leningrad. He educated several generations of composers, including Sergei Slonimsky.

Boris Arapov was the one of the most original representatives of the Leningrad composing school. For over half a century he taught at the Leningrad Conservatory and educated more than one generation of students who became well-known composers of today (Sergei Slonimsky, Alexander Knaifel, Leonid Desyatnikov, Isaac Schwarz).

Arapov's creative path synthesized diverse sources, from classical heritage of Russian musical culture and different currents of the 20th century to music of the oriental nations (Arapov had long stays in Central Asia, China, Korea and Mongolia), jazz and blues. Outstanding performers such as Mikhail Weiman, Daniil Shafran, Gennady Rozhdestvensky and others were glad to make Arapov's compositions a part of their repertoire.

Boris Aleksandrovich Arapov was born on August, 30 (September, 12) 1905 in St. Petersburg. Since 1923 he studied at the Leningrad Conservatoire with M.M. Chernov and further with the outstanding Russian composer and teacher V.V. Shcherbachev, till he graduated his class of composition in 1930.

While still a student Arapov embarked on his own teaching career. He taught theoretical courses at the Central Music College (1927-1932) and at the State Institute of History of Arts (1929-1930) in Leningrad. Since 1930 Arapov was a teacher at the Leningrad Conservatoire, he taught composition in 1944-1948 and in 1952, and held the position of the head of Faculty of Orchestration since 1951, since 1976 - the head of Faculty of Composition.

Teaching was a genuine vocation of B.A. Arapov. One of his students, Sergey Mikhailovich Slonimsky wrote in this respect: "Boris Aleksandrovich is blessed with an amazing gift of eternal youth both in creativity and teaching. As if he

has once tasted the magic youth elixir and - similar to the hero of ballet Dorian Grey - has remained young, except without guilty conscience. Dismissed from class of composition, Arapov taught analysis and orchestration. Possessing an equal talent for linear and coloristic structure, he taught me the principles of the orchestral plan, the art of interpreting the global idea as a whole prior to scrutinizing the details".

B.A. Arapov's success as a teacher is natural, his achievements being well-grounded on his enormous personal experience as a composer. B.A. Arapov -is the author of such great works, as operas "Hojha Nasr-ed-Din" (1943), "Frigate The Victory" (on the plot of the story written by A.S.Pushkin "Peter's the Great Servant", 1957), "Rain" (S. Maugham, 1967), ballet "Portrait of Dorian Grey" (O. Wilde, 1973), seven symphonies.

Boris Arapov's creative longevity is amazing: he wrote till his very last days. S.M Slonimsky wrote: "Arapov's "St
John's Revelation" performed in 1991 came as a pure inception. It is by no means less original than opuses of his most nonconformist students, whose success meant as much to him as his own. Symphony No 7 could have been composed by an adolescent, who overgrew musical technology - its passionate message is ingenuous and inimitably ardent".

Boris Aleksandrovich Arapov died on January, 27,1992 in Saint Petersburg.
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