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Arensky - Romance for cello from music to poem “The fountain of Bakhchisarai”

Arensky - Romance Intro from music to poem “The fountain of Bakhchisarai”. You can download the PDF sheet music Arensky - Romance Intro from music to poem “The fountain of Bakhchisarai” on this page.

ARENSKY, Antony Stepanovich, one of the leading composers of the younger Russian school, born at Novgorod, July 31, 1861. He inherited musical talent from both parents ; his father, a doctor, played the violoncello, and his mother was an excellent pianist. He studied harmony and composition first with Zikke, and afterwards (1879-82) with Rimsky-Korsakov at the St. Petersburg Conservatorium. Having finished his course with honours, he was appointed professor of harmony and counterpoint at the Moscow Conservatorium in 1882. From 1889 to 1893, Arensky was a member of the Council of the Synodal School of Church-music
at Moscow, and for seven years conductor of the concerts of the Russian Choral Society.
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PDF format sheet music

Cello part: 1 pages. 76 K


Piano part: 5 pages. 351 K


Instrument part - First page Piano part - First page
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