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Bach J.C. - Concert c-moll for cello and piano

Bach J.C. - Concert c-moll for cello and piano. You can download the PDF sheet music Bach J.C. - Concert c-moll for cello and piano on this page.

Concerto in C minor for Cello and Orchestra

  1. Allegro molto ma maestoso
  2. Adagio molto espressivo
  3. Allegro molto energico

This cello concerto by Johann Christian Bach has no record of its composition, nor of its original intention so far as instrumentation is concerned. The music, for a string instrument and piano, was in the music collected by Camille Saint-Saéns, and, after his death in 1921, was gratefully accepted by both viola and cello players as a welcome addition to their repertory. The first movement is typical of J. C. Bach's direct style, the soloist taking over the theme immediately after its first statement and then rarely leaving the scene. Eloquence and beauty characterise the slow movement, an extended melodic flow which ideally suits the warm lyricism of the cello, while the finale returns to the boisterous vehemence which underlies the first allegro.

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Cello part: 11 pages. 838 K


Piano part: 9 pages. 3110 K


Instrument part - First page Piano part - First page
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Here is the video with this J.C.Bach cello concert:
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