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Tsintsadze - Toccata for cello solo

Tsintsadze - Toccata for cello solo. You can download the PDF sheet music Tsintsadze - Toccata for cello and piano on this page. This beautiful expressive creative is the unique masterpiece opus for string instrument by Tsintsadze. This composition impress the performer by the interesting Georgian sound and rhythm of cello and other musical features. "Toccata"for unaccompanied cello.
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Cello part: 6 pages. 257 K

Instrument part - First page

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Mark Varshavsky plays Tsintsadze's Toccata for cello solo

Tsintsadze's Sixth Quartet constitutes one of Tsintsadze's finest creations: on the one hand, it represents the culmination in the development and maturation of the composer's individual style; on the other, it reflects his continued search for new means of expression. A composition consisting of one movement yet divided into five structurally open sections, with its development based on monothematic techniques that serve to integrate the parts into a whole, this quartet is written in a form close to that of rondo-sonata, with a prominent role being given to variational continuation. The first section, marked Andante sostenuto, in which the theme is expounded, is wrought with emotion; in the ensuing Allegro assai the musical development is of a dramatic intensity that finds its culmination in the fugato; in the third section, also marked Andante sostenuto, the theme, filled with concealed sorrow, moves from sighs of lament to a rhythmic acceleration; in the Allegro scherzando, which sounds not unlike a grotesque and fantastic dance, the theme is subjected to a number of contrapuntal devices; finally, in the Andante molto sostenuto, the theme returns in its tragic colouring, as if posing a question to which there comes no reply.

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