Ciurlionis - Prelude for cello and piano
Ciurlionis - Prelude for cello and piano. You can download the PDF sheet music Ciurlionis - Prelude for cello and piano on this page. Mikalojus Čiurlionis was a Lithuanian composer and writer. He has been considered one of the pioneers of abstract art in Europe. During his short life he composed about 400 pieces of music. The precise number of Čiurlionis musical compositions is not known – substantial part of his manuscripts did not survive, while others, assumingly, perished in the fire during the war, or were lost. The ones available for us today include sketches, rough drafts, and fragments of his musical ideas. To download PDF, click the "Download PDF" button below the appropriate sheet music image. To view the first page of Ciurlionis - Prelude for cello and piano click the music sheet image. |
PDF format sheet music |
Instrument part: 1 pages. 481 K
Piano part: 3 pages. 858 K
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€) |
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