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Davydov - Concert N1 for cello and piano op.5

Davydov - Concert N1 for cello and piano op.5. You can download the PDF sheet music Davydov - Concert N1 for cello and piano op.5 on this page. This colorful composition - classical sample opus for string instrument by the well-known virtuoso of music. This composition impresses performer by the engrossing changes of phrases of soloist and piano and other string features. Davydov's two cello concertos, composed in 1859 and 1863 respectively, it would be a mistake to look for those innovative features which a certain element of the listening public still considers to be the only justification for composing music; these concertos were never intended to satisfy an unquestioning belief in progress. As regards form, they move along well-trodden paths, here and there betraying an unmistakable 'Leipzig' manner; even the sections of op. 5 which are interlinked by the direction 'attacca' do not challenge the conventional three-movement layout. It is true that the beginnings and ends of the movements are fluid, perhaps following the model of Schumann, but not to the extent that the construction could be called cyclical.

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Cello part: 10 pages. 1234 K


Piano part: 20 pages. 2528 K


Instrument part - First page Piano part - First page
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Davydov (also appeared in different spellings: Davidoff / Davidov) transcribed and arranged Chopin's solo piano works for violoncello and piano accompaniment. Transcription albums of Walzer and Mazurkas published by Breitkopf & Härtel. Another transcription album is a selection of Nocturnes and others solo piano works published by Edition Peters.
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