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Davydov - Cello Concert N2 op.14

Davydov - Cello Concert N2 op.14. You can download the PDF sheet music Davydov - Cello Concert N2 op.14 on this page. The opening movement of each concerto; this starts from the moment the soloist announces himself after their extensive orchestral expositions. From amongst the clearly formulated themes the cello selects various motifs which it treats in its own way, deriving new figures from them; as the movement progresses these are given a dizzily virtuoso path to tread. The technical finesses demanded of the solo cello range from fiendishly chromatic gymnastics via highly inventive double-stopping to sequences of full-scale chords. Yet, remarkably, they never descend to the level of forming an end in themselves. Furthermore these opening movements are balanced by lyrical middle movements in which the beautiful tone praised by Tchaikovsky and others carries the day.

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Instrument part: 20 pages. 1805 K


Piano part: 49 pages. 4226 K


Davydov - Cello Concert N2 op.14 - Instrument part - first page Davydov - Cello Concert N2 op.14 - Piano part - first page
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