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Dotzauer - 113 exercices for cello

Dotzauer - 113 exercices for cello. You can download the sheet music Dotzauer - 113 exercices for cello on this page. Since their appearance, the Violoncello Etudes by Dotzauer—who was born June 26, 1783, and died March 6, i860—-have ranked high among works of their class and, by reason of their intrinsic practical utility, have successfully maintained their position. It therefore seems entirely justifiable to bring out a new edition in line with modern requirements. Dotzauer's numerous etudes are an outgrowth of mature experience in teaching, and display such a full and comprehensive understanding of the peculiarities of the instrument, that their well-earned place in the literature of violoncello-instruction would seem to be assured for the future also.
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Cello part: 196 pages. 13450 K



Instrument part - First page
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"After careful consideration I reached the contusion that a satisfactory new edition would be something different, in many respects, from a mere reprint of the original editions. I felt that the usefulness of these Etudes under present conditions would be greatly enhanced by a judicious selection from and rearrangement of the great mass of material; numerous mistakes had to be corrected, numbers of comparatively small value and utility had to be eliminated, and those of real importance and usefulness arranged in progressive order and clear classification, so that the present edition might be used as a supplement to any and every Method for Violoncello. My aim being not merely to promote technical efficiency, but to refine the taste and increase the capacity for shading and diversifying the tone, I have added—besides the needful fingerings directions for the portions of the bow to be employed, and the establishment of the correct notation—marks of interpretation (expression and tempo) throughout; these latter, in earlier editions, were almost entirely wanting.
I hope that these admirable Etudes may now go forth in this more attractive garb, to promote and facilitate the difficult study of the Violoncello."    
Johannes Klingenberg.
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