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Dotzauer - School of cello playing

Dotzauer - School of cello playing. You can download the sheet music Dotzauer - School of cello playing on this page. None of the Dotzauer Schools for studying the Violoncello seemed appropriate for the purpose of republishing without alteration, considering the position which the study of this instrument occupies now - a - days ; but the excellence and value of the material for instruction which they contain, has led me to introduce them again, arranged in the most advantageous form possible.
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Cello part: 141 pages. 40896 K



Instrument part - First page
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In order to supply existing deficiencies, older, and much approved selections have been made from B. Romberg, J.L. Duport and J.B. Gross, and the aim throughout has been such a systematic and progressive arrangement as can alone enable the pupil to make sure and rapid strides. The master should accustom the pupil from the first to distinguish between the major and minor thirds, for the technique of the violoncello lies, for the most part, in the difference between these two intervals.
The object of this School is to afford the beginner in Violoncello playing a sure and simple foundation, by means of which (given the necessary industry and talent) he may succeed in advancing to the higher degrees of excellency in the art.
Johannes Klingenberg

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