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Jeral - Gavotte for cello and piano op.7 N2

Jeral - Gavotte for cello and piano op.7 N2. You can download the sheet music Jeral - Gavotte for cello and piano on this page. This colorful musical composition - is a traditional sample of work for string instrument by the well-known virtuoso of music. This composition impresses performer by the interesting changes of cello melody and different string features.
To view the first page of Jeral - Gavotte for cello and piano click the music sheet image.
PDF format sheet music

Cello part: 2 pages. 184 K

Piano part: 5 pages. 419 K

Instrument part - First page Piano part - First page

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Wilhelm Jeral, born 10.2.1861 in Prague, attended the Conservatory of his native city. There he was taught by Hegenbarth. From 1880-1886 Jeral in Graz was a teacher at the Styrian Musikverein and as principal cellist with the local theater. In Graz he completed his studies of composition with Dr. W. Mayer. Furthermore, he worked in Rotterdam until 1891 at the Deutsche Oper and spent the following eight years on tour (until 1899). From Gustav Mahler he was taken to the Vienna Court Opera in 1900 and was next to an active teacher. Jeral composed for his instrument a solo concert, and solo pieces and studies, as well as songs and other. He died in 1935 in Vienna. He composed several songs and concert pieces for the cello.

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