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Faure - Arpes un Reve (After a dream) for cello and piano op.7 N1

Faure - Arpes un Reve (After a dream) for cello and piano op.7 N1. You can download the PDF sheet music Faure - Arpes un Reve (After a dream) for cello and piano on this page. Faure's works for cello fall more readily into just two categories: early (pre-1900) and late (post-1900). All but one of the shorter cello pieces date from the early period, and it is only these works that have attained widespread popularity. Indeed, all the works of Fauré that are heard regularly today date from the turn of the century; apart from the cello pieces, these include songs such as "Lydia" and "Après un rêve."

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Cello part: 1 pages. 45 K


Piano part: 3 pages. 768 K


Instrument part - First page Piano part - First page
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Faure Arpes un Reve for cello:
Fauré's music has been described as linking the end of Romanticism with the modernism of the second quarter of the 20th century. When he was born, Chopin was still composing, and by the time of Fauré's death, jazz and the atonal music of the Second Viennese School were being heard. The Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, which describes him as the most advanced composer of his generation in France, notes that his harmonic and melodic innovations influenced the teaching of harmony for later generations. During the last twenty years of his life, he suffered from increasing deafness. In contrast with the charm of his earlier music, his works from this period are sometimes elusive and withdrawn in character, and at other times turbulent and impassioned.
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