Faure - Romance op.69 for cello and piano. You can download the sheet music Faure - Romance op.69 for cello and piano on this page. Fauré composed his cello Romance, Op.69—or rather re-composed it, since he had previously written it as an Andante for cello and organ. It is fascinating to hear the alterations Fauré made when transferring the piece from church to concert hall (or intimate salon, where the premieres of many of his works for small forces were given). The tempo moves forward from Andante to Andante quasi Allegretto; the harmonies get richer; and the keyboard writing becomes far more fluent.
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To Sackville-West and Shawe-Taylor, Fauré's later works do not display the easy charm of his earlier music: "the luscious romantic harmony which had always been firmly supported by a single tonality, later gave way to a severely monochrome style, full of enharmonic shifts, and creating the impression of several tonal centres simultaneously employed."