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Faure - Pappilon (Butterfly) for cello and piano op.77

Faure - Pappilon (Butterfly) for cello and piano op.77. You can download the PDF sheet music Faure - Pappilon (Butterfly) for cello and piano op.77 on this page. The dedicatee, Jules Loëb, asked Fauré for a companion piece and, probably in 1884, Fauré obliged with a virtuoso piece that his publisher—somewhat to Fauré's annoyance—called Papillon (Butterfly). In the main this is a light, charming display piece for the cellist, but Fauré's voice is heard unmistakably in the soaring melody of the middle section.

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Cello part: 3 pages. 129 K


Piano part: 11 pages. 342 K


Instrument part - First page Piano part - First page
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In contrast with his harmonic and melodic style, which pushed the bounds for his time, Fauré's rhythmic motives tended to be subtle and repetitive, with little to break the flow of the line, although he used discreet syncopations, similar to those found in Brahms's works. Copland referred to him as "the Brahms of France". The music critic Jerry Dubins suggests that Fauré "represents the link between the late German Romanticism of Brahms ... and the French Impressionism of Debussy."
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