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Haydn - Andante for cello and piano

Haydn - Andante for cello and piano. You can download the PDF sheet music Haydn - Andante for cello and piano on this page. This Andante cantabile for cello is an excerpt from Haydn's String Quartet in F major - op.3 N.5. Haydn writing his earliest string quartets, when he was in his 20s. He virtually gave birth to this form of musical composition, which has remained a favorite vehicle of intimate expression for composers down to our own day. Thus, it is no surprise that Haydn's string quartets are among the earliest that have remained staples of the international concert repertoire.  Haydn wrote this well-known Andante for cello - and a number of other masterpieces in the genre - a young fellow by the name of Mozart, Haydn's junior by nearly a quarter-century, had also entered the quartet-writing lists, and with brilliant results.

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Cello part: 1 pages. 47 K


Piano part: 2 pages. 109 K


Instrument part - First page Piano part - First page
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