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Galliard - Cello sonata a-moll (Moffat)

Galliard - Cello sonata a-moll (Moffat). You can download the PDF sheet music Galliard - Cello sonata a-moll (Moffat) on this page. Galliard, John Ernest - German composer and oboist, mostly active in England. A son of Jean Galliard, a French wig-maker, he learnt both flute and oboe from a French member of the Celle court orchestra, Pierre Maréchal. He himself joined the orchestra in 1698, and soon afterwards was studying composition in nearby Hanover with Steffani and G.B. Farinelli. Johann Ernst Galliard also succeeded G. B. Draghi as court-organist. Galliard wrote some church music and many instrumental pieces, including this cello sonata.

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Instrument part: 3 pages. 1175 K


Piano part: 6 pages. 1577 K


Galliard - Cello sonata a-moll (Moffat) - Instrument part - first page Galliard - Cello sonata a-moll (Moffat) - Piano part - first page
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MOFFAT, Alfred, born in Edinburgh, 1866. Composer and arranger. In 1882 he went to Berlin, and was under Professor Ludwig Bussler till 1888. In 1886 he produced a quartet in C Minor for piano, violin, viola, and 'cello, which was performed at Berlin and exceedingly well received. Since his return to this country Mr. Moffat has given up teaching entirely in order to devote his whole time to composition. He has published a number of pieces — original, arranged and harmonised.
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