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Glazunov - Concert Ballade C-dur for cello and orchestra op.108

Glazunov - Concert Ballade C-dur for cello and orchestra op.108. You can download the PDF sheet music Glazunov - Concert Ballade C-dur for cello and orchestra op.108 on this page.

The Concerto Ballato was written in 1931, three years before his Saxophone Concerto and is dedicated to Pablo Casals. It is introduced by the cello alone, leading the narrative until a passage of orchestral excitement intervenes, with an Elgarian melody of descending sequences for the soloist, echoed by the orchestra in some agitation. Elements of the opening are followed by an A flat major passage marked Tranquillo, followed by an Adagio, quasi ballata, as the tale unwinds. A C minor cadenza allows the cello to continue the story, finally in terms of great simplicity, before another, longer cadenza. There follows an Allegro marciale, then an Allegretto scherzando, which breaks off. The final section follows, with an air of defiant optimism, its final section accompanied by the cello in continued double-stopping, ending a work of sure and skilled craftsmanship.

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PDF format sheet music

Instrument part: 9 pages. 2823 K


Piano part: 27 pages. 8164 K


Glazunov - Concert Ballade C-dur for cello and orchestra op.108 - Instrument part - first page Glazunov - Concert Ballade C-dur for cello and orchestra op.108 - Piano part - first page
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