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Gliere - 12 album leaves for cello and piano Op.51

Gliere - 12 album leaves for cello and piano Op.51. You can download the PDF sheet music Gliere - 12 album leaves for cello and piano Op.51 on this page. In 1920 Glière moved to the Moscow Conservatory where he (intermittently) taught until 1941. Boris Alexandrov, Aram Khachaturian, Alexander Davidenko, Lev Knipper and Alexander Mosolov were some of his pupils from the Moscow era. For some years he held positions in the organization Proletkul't and worked with the People's Commissariat for Education. The theatre was in the centre of his work now. In 1927, inspired by the ballerina Yekaterina Vasilyevna Geltzer (1876–1962), he wrote the music for the ballet Krasny mak (The Red Poppy), later revised, to avoid the connotation of opium, as Krasny tsvetok (The Red Flower, 1955).

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Instrument part: 18 pages. 766 K


Piano part: 45 pages. 2120 K


Gliere - 12 album leaves for cello and piano Op.51 - Instrument part - first page Gliere - 12 album leaves for cello and piano Op.51 - Piano part - first page
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