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Khachaturian - Cello sonata

Khachaturian - Cello sonata. You can download the PDF sheet music Khachaturian - Cello sonata on this page. This beautiful and well-known Khachaturian's cello sonata is a modern cello music. Addicted to M.Rostropovich. This sonata surprise the performer by the modern musical language and other interesting tricks.
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Cello part: Order

Piano part: 37 pages. 24985 K

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Khachaturian is generally considered one of the leading composers of the Soviet Union. Alongside Dmitri Shostakovich and Sergei Prokofiev, he has been generally cited as one of the three greatest composers of the Soviet era. As early as 1957 the Time magazine called Prokofiev, Shostakovich and Khachaturian "the three modern giants". They are sometimes collectively referred to as the three "titans" of Soviet music. "Whether or not history will support the verdict, Khachaturian in his lifetime ranked as the third most celebrated Soviet composer after Shostakovich and Prokofiev," wrote the music critic Ronald Crichton in 1978. According to the Los Angeles Philharmonic, "his works do not enjoy the international reputation that those of" Shostakovich and Prokofiev do. With the two aforementioned composers and Dmitry Kabalevsky, Khachaturian "was one of the few Soviet composers to have become known to the wider international public."

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