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Hadley - Elegia for cello and piano

Hadley - Elegia for cello and piano. You can download the sheet music Hadley - Elegia for cello and piano on this page. This excellent composition is the significant music for cello by the recognized music composer. This composition impresses performer by the beautiful phrase changes of instruments and different character string features.
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Cello part: 1 pages. 141 K

Piano part: 5 pages. 558 K

Instrument part - First page Piano part - First page

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Henry Hadley (1871 – 1937) was an American composer and conductor. Henry Hadley was one of the most performed and published American composers of his day. He considered himself first and foremost an orchestral composer, to which his many overtures, symphonic poems, orchestral suites, and symphonies attest. He also wrote brief concertos for both cello (his Konzertstück) and piano (his Concertino, Op. 131).

Yet he also wrote a large number of stage works, including several operettas and musicals, along with his five operas. Though his operas Azora and Cleopatra's Night received the most attention, his comedy Bianca, which won a prize offered by the American Society of Singers for the best chamber opera in English, perhaps due to its modest demands, received a number of performances during Hadley's lifetime and a few afterwards, even in Japan in the early 1950s.

He also wrote a number of chamber works, although "he had no compelling desire" to compose it. He produced a violin sonata, two string quartets, and two piano trios. According to Tawa, his most noteworthy chamber effort was the quintet in a minor for piano and strings, Op. 50, written in 1919.

Hadley also wrote a large number of cantatas and oratorios, some of them, such as Resurgam, conceived on a very large scale. His work as a song composer is also noteworthy. One of his choruses from The New Earth titled, "Song of the Marching Men," has been recorded.

Hadley was also a pioneer in film music. He was invited by Warner Bros. to conduct The New York Philharmonic for the soundtrack music for its 1926 film, Don Juan with John Barrymore; this was the first feature film with synchronized music and sound effects. He was also filmed with the New York Philharmonic conducting the overture to Wagner's opera Tannhäuser. He wrote a complete original score for the 1927 Barrymore film When a Man Loves.

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