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Hauser - Songs without words for cello

Hauser - Songs without words for cello. You can download the sheet music Hauser - Songs without words for cello on this page. This beautiful cello composition is the classical masterpiece composition for string instrument by this virtuoso of composition. This piece impresses everybody by the magnificent dialog between cello and piano and different character musical features.
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PDF format sheet music

Cello part: 11 pages. 916 K

Piano part: 27 pages. 2297 K

Instrument part - First page Piano part - First page

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From 1839 to Hauser undertook a large number of extensive concert tours throughout Germany, Scandinavia and Russia and gained a reputation as an excellent violinist. In the summer of 1847 he returned to Bratislava to his composition studies continue. In this time were his Preßburger concerts with pianist Anton Rubinstein of particular importance. In 1850 he went to England and from there to the United States, where he undertook a number of major concert tours. In 1853 he traveled to California and South America, on 15 September 1854 he went to Australia, where he appeared in all major cities.

On 15 July 1858 he returned via India, Egypt and Malta back to his native Vienna to give concerts in the season 1858/59 in the largest cities of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

From 1860, Hauser took his tours abroad again, played at the court of the Turkish sultan in Constantinople Opel and with great success on the Italian royal court, where he was appointed by King Victor Emmanuel II. Knight of St. Maurice and Lazarus Order.

1861-1864 followed by concerts in Paris and Berlin, 1874, he gave his last public concert in Cologne.

Its effective technique and virtuosity belonged Hauser occurrence of the largest musical events in Europe.

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