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Honegger - Sonatina for cello and piano

Honegger - Sonatina for cello and piano. You can download the PDF sheet music Honegger - Sonatina for cello and piano on this page. This three-movement Cello Sonatina was originally composed by Arthur Honegger for clarinet and piano in Zurich and Paris between October 1921 and July 1922. It is one of the few works he wrote that are close in spirit to Les Six. The very melodious opening movement, Modere, shows hints of polytonality. The charm of the slow, sustained second movement, Lent et soutenu, is followed by a lively, witty finale, Vif'et rythmique, with jazz reminiscences.

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Cello part: 3 pages. 280 K


Piano part: 10 pages. 1038 K


Honegger - Sonatina for cello and piano - Cello part - first page Honegger - Sonatina for cello and piano - Piano part - first page
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Of Swiss origin, trained at the Paris Conservatoire where he became friends with Darius Milhaud, Arthur Honegger studied conducting with Vincent d'lndy. Although he was included in to Six by the whim of Henri Collet, he showed great independence: be was very attached to Bach and he was naturally attracted to neo-Romantism, thus going against Cocteau's ideas completely. Neither conservative nor revolutionary, Honegger was not interested in the fairground or the music hall, but on the contrary in chamber music and symphonic works at their most serious, their most austereHe also admitted to attaching great importance to musical structure while admitting to an exaggerated tendency to use complex polyphony'.
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