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d'Indy - Cello sonata D-dur op.84

Indy - Cello sonata D-dur op.84. You can download the PDF sheet music Indy - Cello sonata D-dur op.84 on this page. Paul Marie Théodore Vincent d'Indy (1851–1931) was born in a Parisian aristocratic family. In spite of showing a gift for music early on, he first studied law. He was an admirer and pupil of César Franck and a follower of the traditions of German symphonic writing. His notable pupils included Erik Satie, Albert Roussel, Albéric Magnard, Isaac Albéniz, Arthur Honegger, Darius Milhaud and others. Vincent d’Indy wrote operas, concerted works and other types of music, largely influenced by Berlioz and Wagner, but he also devoted himself to discovering old music. Between 1903 and 5 d’Indy wrote a three-volume composition textbook Cours de composition musicale. d'Indy also wrote chamber music, like this Cello sonata D dur op.84. Some of his pieces takes its cue from the forms of Baroque dance suites.

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Instrument part: 8 pages. 431 K


Piano part: 27 pages. 1634 K


Indy - Cello sonata D-dur op.84 - Instrument part - first page Indy - Cello sonata D-dur op.84 - Piano part - first page
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