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Jenkinson - Elves Dance for cello and piano

Jenkinson - Elves Dance for cello and piano. You can download the PDF sheet music Jenkinson - Elves Dance for cello and piano on this page. Elves Dance by Ezra Jenkinson is a well-known music composition. Ezra Jenkinson was an English composer. He studied music in Leipzig, Germany. This is the best composer's known work, his Elves' Dance (Elfentanz or the Dance of the Elves).This piece uses spiccato technic and it s a great piece for each beginner violin player. There is a cello transcription of an original violin piece.

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PDF format sheet music

Instrument part: 1 pages. 592 K


Piano part: 3 pages. 461 K


Jenkinson - Elves Dance for cello and piano - Instrument part - first page Jenkinson - Elves Dance for cello and piano - Piano part - first page
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