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Kahn - Cello sonata

Kahn - Cello sonata. You can download the sheet music Kahn - Cello sonata on this page. This excellent expressive creative is the significant masterpiece of music for cello by the recognized composer. This composition impresses listener by the well-listened shiny phrases of cello and piano and different character musical characteristics.
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Cello part: 12 pages. 816 K

Piano part: 37 pages. 2642 K

Instrument part - First page Piano part - First page

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Robert Kahn (1865 – 1951) was a German composer, pianist, and music teacher. Kahn composed prolifically for the chamber repertoire, writing in an intimate, lyrical style that is reminiscent of Felix Mendelssohn, Robert Schumann, and Johannes Brahms. Like his friend Brahms, Kahn eschewed the emotional extravagance of the late Romantics. His output included 2 piano quintets (besides the Quintett c-minor op.54 there is a Quintett in D-Major from 1926), 2 string quartets, 3 piano quartets, 4 piano trios, 2 violin sonatas, 2 cello sonatas, several choral pieces, and numerous lieder. His only purely instrumental orchestral works were a serenade Aus der Jugendzeit ("From Youth") (1890) and a Konzertstück for piano and orchestra in E-flat minor, Op. 74 (1920). Kahn was often commissioned to create works for some of the finest musicians of the early decades of the 20th century up to the young Adolf Busch with whom Kahn performed the premier of his Suite op.69 for Violin and Piano.

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