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Kashperova - Cello sonata

Kashperova - Cello sonata. You can download the sheet music Kashperova - Cello sonata on this page. This unique cello composition by Kashperova Leocadia is a classical sample opus for string instrument by this rare composer. This composition impress the performer by the beautiful melody of two instruments and other musical features.
To view the first page of Kashperova - Cello sonata click the music sheet image.
PDF format sheet music

Cello part: 15 pages. 555 K

Piano part: 55 pages. 2526 K

Instrument part - First page Piano part - First page

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Kashperova Leocadia (1872 - 1940) - Soviet pianist, composer and teacher. She graduated the St. Petersburg Conservatory in piano (A. Rubinstein) and composition (H. P. Solovyov - 1895) classes. She gave some concerts in Russia and abroad as a soloist and ensemble player (in a string trio with Auer and Verzhbilovich, in a duet with the Czech violinist P. Ondrzhichek). 1st performer of a number of works by M. Balakirev, Glazunov, as well as his own works. Since 1918 he has been a teacher in the Conservatory, performed some concerts. Since 1922 he has taught at Moscow.

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