Cuccoli - Serenade for cello and piano
Cuccoli - Serenade for cello and piano. You can download the sheet music Cuccoli - Serenade for cello and piano on this page. This colorful musical composition - classical sample of music for string instrument by the great virtuoso of composition. This composition amaze the listeners by the beautiful harmonic intonations of cello player and piano and different character interesting characteristics. To view the first page of Cuccoli - Serenade for cello and piano click the music sheet image.
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Cello part: Missed
Piano part: 3 pages. 280 K
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| Arturo Cuccoli was an Italian Cellist. When he was only six years old, he learned from his older brother Egidio the basics of music and started playing cello. Then, after a period of inactivity due to a number of diseases, he started to learn in the school of the famous cellist Francesco Serato. At eighteen years old, he began a busy career in music, which led him to play in various orchestras, where he acquired rich experiences. He then on toured in the Iberian Peninsula and, briefly, for a second time in America. Just with twenty years old he entered the concert scene as a solo artist, getting applauded in various Italian cities and Monte Carlo, to later become principal cellist in the orchestra Sonzogno, and finally, get the same role in the theater of Trieste, where he arrived in 1893. He still found a way to go to Germany and Russia, and play in the trio Nachtigall.