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Ponce - Estrellita for cello and piano

Ponce - Estrellita for cello and piano. You can download the PDF sheet music Ponce - Estrellita for cello and piano on this page. Manuel María Ponce was a Mexican composer active in the 20th century. His work as a composer, music educator and scholar of Mexican music connected the concert scene with a usually forgotten tradition of popular song and Mexican folklore. Ponce wrote music for solo instruments, chamber ensembles, and orchestra. His piano and guitar works outnumber those dedicated to other solo instruments within the set of pieces we know. Estrellita is Ponce's best known work. In 1912 he composed his most famous work "Estrellita" (little star), which is not a normal love song, as is usually thought, but "Nostalgia Viva" (live nostalgia). Cello transcription by Gaspar Cassado.

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Instrument part: 1 pages. 641 K


Piano part: 3 pages. 2166 K


Ponce - Estrellita for cello and piano - Instrument part - first page Ponce - Estrellita for cello and piano - Piano part - first page
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