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Martini - Gavotte for cello

Martini - Gavotte for cello. You can download the sheet music Martini - Gavotte for cello on this page. This colorful cello creative is the clear masterpiece composition for string instrument by the recognized talented composer. This composition impress the listeners with the beautiful changes of gavotte rhythm and traditional musical features.
To view the first page of Martini - Gavotte for cello click the music sheet image.
PDF format sheet music

Cello part: 2 pages. 202 K

Piano part: 4 pages. 467 K

Instrument part - First page Piano part - First page

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In 1725, though only 19 years old, Martini received the appointment of chapel-master at the Basilica of San Francesco in Bologna, where his compositions attracted attention. At the invitation of amateurs and professional friends he opened a school of composition at which several celebrated musicians were trained; as a teacher he consistently declared his preference for the traditions of the old Roman school of composition. Martini was a zealous collector of musical literature, and possessed an extensive musical library.

Most contemporary musicians speak of Martini with admiration, and Leopold Mozart consulted him with regard to the talents of his son, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The latter went on to write the friar in very effusive terms after a visit to the city. The Abbé Vogler, however, makes reservations in his praise, condemning his philosophical principles as too much in sympathy with those of Fux, which had already been expressed by P. Vallotti. His Elogio was published by Pietro della Valle at Bologna in the same year.

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