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Moszkovski - "Guitar" for cello and piano

Moszkovski - "Guitar" for cello and piano. You can download the PDF sheet music Moszkovski - "Guitar" for cello and piano on this page. This unique musical composition - is a traditional sample of music for string instrument by the brilliant composer. This composition impresses the listeners by the magnificent melody of cello and piano and different character musical characteristics.
To view the first page of Moszkovski - "Guitar" for cello and piano click the music sheet image.
PDF format sheet music

Cello part: 2 pages. 126 K

Piano part: 6 pages. 446 K

Instrument part - First page Piano part - First page

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Moritz Moszkowski (1854 – 1925) was a German-Jewish composer, pianist, and teacher of Polish descent on his paternal side. His brother Alexander Moszkowski was a famous writer and satirist in Berlin.
Ignacy Paderewski said: "After Chopin, Moszkowski best understands how to write for the piano, and his writing embraces the whole gamut of piano technique." Although less known today, Moszkowski was well respected and popular during the late nineteenth century.
He was a master in his pianistic repertoire, but it was in his own compositions that he was more admired. His music rapidly became a sensation, but he also had legitimate success in major works for the stage and the concert hall.

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