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Oginski - Polonaise (Polonez) for cello and piano

Oginski - Polonaise (Polonez) for cello and piano. You can download the PDF sheet music Oginski - Polonaise (Polonez) for cello and piano on this page. Oginski was an amateur musician whose piano improvisations won him many admirers. He also invented the Polonaise for listening to rather than dancing, a form later perfected by Chopin. Of his 24 Polonaises, Farewell to the Fatherland (Polonaise 'Pożegnanie Ojczyzny') is the most famous. This is a cello transcription by Zofia Adamska.

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Instrument part: 1 pages. 117 K


Piano part: 2 pages. 267 K


Oginski - Polonaise (Polonez) for cello and piano - Instrument part - first page Oginski - Polonaise (Polonez) for cello and piano - Piano part - first page
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Prince Ogiński Michał Kleofas was born on the family estate of Guzow, near Warsaw, in 1765. He was a career statesman, diplomat and warrior. He became Polish-Lithuanian ambassador to the Hague, and fought under Kosciuszko against the forces of Catherine the Great during the Final Partitions of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. After 5 years in exile, during which Oginski fought tirelessly, calling on every possible diplomatic means, for the restoration of his country, he returned to Russian Lithuania and became a senator at the Court of St Petersburg under Tsar Alexander I, who had personally promised Oginski the restoration of the Polish-Lithuanian state - a promise that he would later break at the Congress of Vienna in 1815. Michal Kleofas Oginski died in Florence, Italy, in 1833.
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