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Orchestral excerpts from the symphonic repertoire for cello

Orchestral excerpts from the symphonic repertoire for cello. You can download the PDF sheet music Orchestral excerpts from the symphonic repertoire for cello on this page. This is a book of Orchestral excerpts from the symphonic repertoire for cello by Leonard Rose. Book 2. It contains 58 different pieces.

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Cello part: 61 pages. 10501 K



Orchestral excerpts from the symphonic repertoire for cello - Cello part - first page
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List of orchestral excerpts included:

DVORAK    Symphony No, 8 (4)
FALLA, DE    El Amor Brujo
FRANCK    Symphony
GLINKA    Ov. "Russian & Liudmila"
HAYDN    Symphony No. 101 ("Clock")
HAYDN    Symphony No. 103 ("Drum-roll")
HAYDN    Symphony Ho. 104("London")
d'INDY    Symphony on a French Mountain Air
LISZT    Piano Concerto No, 2
LISZT    Rhapsody No. 2
MAHLER    Symphony No. 4
MASSENET    Scenes Alsaciennes
MENDELSSOHN    Overture "Ruy Blas"
MENDELSSOHN    Symphony No. 3 ("Scotch")
MOZART    Overture "Don Giovanni1'
MOZART    Symphony No. 35 ("Haffner")
OFFENBACH    Ov, "Orpheus in the Underworld"
PROKOFIEFF    Lieutenant Kije
PROKOFIEFF    Peter and the Wolf
RAVEL    Le Tomteau de Couperin
RAVEL    La Valse
RIMSKY-KORSAKOV    Dance of the Tumblers from "The Snow Maiden"
RIMSKY-KORSAKOV    Capricdo Espanol
ROSSINI    Ov. "The Barber of Seville"
SAINT-SAENS    Symphony No. 3
SCHUBERT    Symphony No. 2
SCHUBERT    Symphony No. 7
SCHUMANN    Symphony No. 2
SCHUMANN    Piano Concerto
SHOSTAKOVICH    Symphony No. 5
SIBELIUS    Symphony No. 2
SIBELIUS    Pohjola's Daughter
SMETANA    Ov. "The Bartered Bride"
STRAUSS, J.    Tales from the Vienna Woods
STRAVINSKY    Firebird
SIJPPF,    Ov. "Morning. Noon & Night"
TCHAIKOVSKY    Symphony No. 5
TCHAIKOVSKY    Manfred - Symphony
WEBER - BERLIOZ    Invitation to the Dance

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