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Prokofiev - Ballade for cello and piano op.15

Prokofiev - Ballade for cello and piano op.15. You can download the PDF sheet music Prokofiev - Ballade for cello and piano on this page.

Prokofiev would often draw on own "old notebooks ", recycling a few melodic fragments from them, as in the case of his Piano Sonata No.3, Op.28( 1917) or the lofty, lyrical and somewhat theatrical first theme that opens the Ballade, Op.15. written in 1912, while he was a turbulent student at the St Petersburg Conservatory. This piece is constructed like a poem-concerto in a single movement, formally in the style of Liszt and harmonically in the style of Scriabin. The noble opening theme contrasts with a second that is jerky, almost savage, all in violent pizzicati, while a central episode, close to the nénie, ensures the cohesion of this brief piece.

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Cello part: 5 pages. 451 K


Piano part: 22 pages. 1551 K


Instrument part - First page Piano part - First page
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The piano plays on timbre, adding rhythmic incongruities or tortuous chromaticisms, without forgetting a few veiled references to "hit tunes" of the time (e.g., the theme from Tchaikovsky's Concerto No.l). This commission from an amateur cellist named Ruzky, was poorly received at its premiere, given by Evzey Beluzov, accompanied by the composer, and appreciated only by Nikolai Miaskovsky. The score was not published until 1945, in
Moscow. Having returned to Moscow in early 1944, Prokofiev transcribed for cello and piano the last of the Ten Pieces, Op.97 for piano, adagio, which had been taken from the original ballet score for Cinderella. This was a pas de deux, the first emotion-filled duo between the Prince apd Cinderella (No. 36 in the ballet), a slow waltz, filled with wonder and played by the cello, while the keyboard simulates the original orchestral sweep.
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