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Prokofiev - Cello sonata solo op.133

Prokofiev - Cello sonata solo op.133. You can download the PDF sheet music Prokofiev - Cello sonata solo op.133 on this page. Prokofiev worked on Cello sonata Op. 133 in the second half of the 1952 year. Like a number of other works by the composer, this work remains unfinished. It published the first part of the Sonata by Prokofiev by the surviving sketches, containing all the exposure and the beginning of development (up to 6 digits). Continued development (figures from 6 to 10 digits) appended by the author of these lines. In the reprise (figure 10) retained exposure exposition of the main theme. Starting side tone theme and its texture in the reprise (figure 12) are also recorded in the author's sketches. Finish a musical text from the transition to the second side carrying the theme in the reprise (two cycles to 13 digits) and to the end. Copyright tempo and dynamic designations marked with an asterisk C). A detailed analysis of the work, textual commentary, as well as the author's text contained in the first part of the monograph "The cello work of Prokofiev's" by V.Block. The first Sonata performed by Natalia Gutman, February 29, 1972 in Moscow, in the concert hall of the House of Soviet propaganda music.

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Instrument part: 7 pages. 223 K



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