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Rodger - Ducasse - Romance for cello and piano (1918)

Rodger - Ducasse - Romance for cello and piano (1918). You can download the sheet music Rodger - Ducasse - Romance for cello and piano (1918) on this page. This excellent cello composition is the grand masterpiece of music for cello by this virtuoso of composition. This musical work delights the listener by the magnificent changes of melody and different character string features.
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PDF format sheet music

Cello part: 2 pages. 94 K

Piano part: 7 pages. 354 K

Instrument part - First page Piano part - First page

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Jean Roger-Ducasse (1873 – 1954) was a French composer.He studied at the Paris Conservatoire with Emile Pessard and André Gedalge, and was the star pupil and close friend of Gabriel Fauré. He succeeded Fauré as professor of composition, and in 1935 he succeeded Paul Dukas as professor of orchestration. His personal style was firmly rooted in the French school of orchestration, in an unbroken tradition from Hector Berlioz through Camille Saint-Saëns. Among his notable pupils are Jehan Alain, Claude Arrieu, Sirvart Kalpakyan Karamanuk, Jean-Louis Martinet, and Francis George Scott. Like Paul Dukas and Maurice Duruflé, Roger-Ducasse was severely self-critical, destroying music that did not meet his exacting standards.

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