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Schnittke - Cello Concerto N2 (1990)

Schnittke - Cello Concerto N2 (1990). You can download the PDF sheet music Schnittke - Cello Concerto N2 (1990) on this page. The Second Cello Concerto (1990) is one of Schnittke's largest compositions. The music of the Concerto is far from simple, and the cello part is difficult. Written for Mstislav Rostropovich, the solo part is truly revolutionary, and it exploring the very extremes of the instrument. The Concerto is in five movements - a typical for Schnittke's compositions - with a short, slow introduction, long fast movement, a more lyrical and mystical slow movement, a shorter and faster fourth movement and then a long finale. This cello concerto is in fact a symphony-concerto, with the orchestra that is very important. The soloist is fighting different orchestral groups and the soloists of the orchestra.

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Instrument part: Missed


Orchestral score: 65 pages. 3720 K


Schnittke - Cello Concerto N2 (1990) - Instrument part - first page Schnittke - Cello Concerto N2 (1990) - Piano part - first page
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In the first movement the soloist's opening is covered by an orchestral chords. The second movement has a kind of perpetuum mobile, where the soloist is driven through different phases. The first subject is excessively turbulent, the second is more contemplative. An orchestral tutti enchances this turbulence to a real disaster. Soon the tune from the very beginning of the Concerto appears, but it is hardly recognizable. The second movement breaks and it disappears soon. The  third movement is very slow and it has a mystical mood with a ghostly timbres. Instrumental ideas in this Second Cello Concerto brings the cellist to a point where everything is double-faced. The fourth movement is a last outburst of the solois. The mazurka-like agressive tread sounds very agressive. Finally, everything is wiped by the last tutti. The cello cadenza brings soloist to the final movement, a slow passacaglia. The main tune of it is taken from the Schnittke's own film music. The soloist is playing fortissimo in a very high register, iwith a suport brutal orchestra.
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