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Scherwood - Cello sonata

Scherwood - Cello sonata. You can download the sheet music Scherwood - Cello sonata on this page. This interesting musical composition - is a traditional masterpiece opus for string instrument by the brilliant virtuoso of music. This composition impresses the listeners by the magnificent dialog between intonations of two instruments and other string features.
To view the first page of Scherwood - Cello sonata click the music sheet image.
PDF format sheet music

Cello part: 12 pages. 575 K

Piano part: 37 pages. 2056 K

Instrument part - First page Piano part - First page

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Percy Sherwood (1866–1939) was a German-born composer and pianist of English nationality. He was born in Dresden, the son of a lecturer in English at Dresden University, John Sherwood, and a German mother Auguste Koch, who had been a successful soprano. After his studies with Theodor Kirchner, Felix Draeseke and Herman Scholtz, Sherwood became a major figure in the music life of Dresden before the First World War. In 1889 he won the Mendelssohn Prize for his Requiem. He was first a teacher, then professor, at the Dresden Conservatory from 1893 and 1911 respectively. His own students included Dora Pejačević. Shortly before war broke out in 1914 he and his wife abandoned their Dresden villa and returned to England where he was almost unknown. Thereafter he made a living as a private teacher in London and travelling weekly to Oxford and Cambridge.

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