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Sevcik - School of cello technic

Sevcik - School of cello technic. You can download the sheet music Sevcik - School of cello technic on this page. This big book of cello technic contains different exercices for enhancing the level of cellist's technic. Sevcik's School ill be useful for each cello player.
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Cello part: 99 pages. 8140 K

Instrument part - First page

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Otakar Ševčík (1852 – 1934) was a Czech violinist and influential teacher. He was known as a soloist and an ensemble player, including his occasional performances with Eugène Ysaÿe. Ševčík was famous as a violin teacher in Salzburg, Vienna, Prague, Kharkiv, Kiev, London, Boston, Chicago, and New York.
His violin studies and violin methods were published in several books and are still important as major teaching tools. These studies include The Little Ševčík, an elementary violin tutor, which teaches the semitone system in 149 exercises, the School of Violin Technics (Schule der Violintechnik, four parts, 1880), First Position, vol. II, 2nd to 7th Positions, and Vol. III, Shifting, and Preparatory Exercises in Double-Stopping, Opus 9, and the Schule der Bogentechnik (six parts, 1893).

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