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Schumann – Fantastic pieces (Fairytales) Op.73 for cello and piano

Schumann – Fantastic pieces (Fairytales) Op.73 for cello and piano. You can download the PDF sheet music Schumann – Fantastic pieces (Fairytales) Op.73 for cello and piano on this page. Three Fantasy Pieces (Drei Fantasiestücke) for Clarinet and Piano, Op. 73, were written in 1849 by the German composer Robert Schumann. Though they were originally intended for clarinet and piano, Schumann indicated that the clarinet part could be also performed on viola or cello.
To view the first page of Schumann – Fantastic pieces (Fairytales) Op.73 for cello and piano click the music sheet image.

PDF format sheet music

Cello part: 7 pages. 358 K

Piano part: 24 pages. 514 K

Instrument part - First page Piano part - First page

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Robert Schumann wrote them over just two days in February 1849, and originally entitled them "Night Pieces" before settling on the title "Fantasy Pieces." The title is one Schumann was fond of, since he used it in several works. This poetic title promotes the fundamental Romantic notion that creative expression is the product of the artist's unrestricted imagination. In addition, the connotations of "fantasy" justify the sudden mood changes, which are a signature of so much of Schumann's music, and which reflect his emotions and mood swings. The pieces are like songs without words, or an instrumental song cycle.
The three individual pieces are:

  • Zart und mit Ausdruck (Tender and with expression)
  • Lebhaft, leicht (Lively, light)
  • Rasch und mit Feuer (Quick and with fire)

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