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Shumilov - Sonata for cello solo

Shumilov - Sonata for cello solo. You can download the PDF sheet music Shumilov - Sonata for cello solo on this page. This solo cello sonata is full of bright melodic repository based on traditional folk intonations and modern youth rhythms. Gennady Pavlovich Shumilov was born on May 18, 1943. Since 1976 - a member of the Union of Composers of the USSR. His few works were published by music publishers and recorded on phonograph records. In the early 1990s, Gennady Shumilov headed the Leningrad Music Foundation. Defending the interests of members of the Muzfond tragically died on May 7, 1994. His Cello sonata is dedicated to Michail Kushner.

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Cello part: 8 pages. 2031 K



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