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Sjogren - Cello sonata op.58

Sjogren - Cello sonata op.58. You can download the sheet music Sjogren - Cello sonata op.58 on this page. This colorful musical creative - is a good sample of music for string instrument by the well-known master of composition. This composition amaze the listeners by the interesting colorful changes of cello melody and other different musical characteristics.
To view the first page of Sjogren - Cello sonata op.58 click the music sheet image.
PDF format sheet music

Cello part: 7 pages. 1960 K

Piano part: 28 pages. 5007 K

Sogren - Cello sonata op.58 - Instrument part - First page Sogren - Cello sonata op.58 - Piano part - First page

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Johan Gustav Emil Sjögren (1853 – 1918) was a Swedish composer. Born in Stockholm, Sjögren entered the Stockholm Conservatory at the age of seventeen and later continued his studies at the Berlin Conservatory. From 1890, he served as the organist at the Saint John's Church in Stockholm until shortly before his death on 1 March 1918.
Sjögren is remembered best for his lieder and piano music. Other noteworthy works include three preludes and fugues for organ, five violin sonatas, as well as pieces for choir.

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