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Tischenko - Sonata for cello solo N1

Tischenko - Sonata for cello solo N1. You can download the PDF sheet music Tischenko - Sonata for cello solo N1 on this page. Boris Tischenko completed his First Cello Sonata op.18 in 1960 . The opus has five movements (Largo Rubato, Molto Allegro, Largo, Presto, Largo rubato). The spirit of spontaneity and unpremeditation reigning supreme in Boris Tishchenko's cello sonata turned out to be the composer's conception and inner aspiration, which he defined in the following words:"... music is not to recreate the emotions and states but to depict their mutual cohesion. Therefore genuine music invariably gives the impression of being born on its own, without the outside help. It just had to be delivered".

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Instrument part: 9 pages. 555 K



Tischenko - Sonata for cello solo N1 - Instrument part - first page
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