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Vivaldi - Cello sonata N1 B-dur

Vivaldi - Cello sonata N1 B-dur. You can download the PDF sheet music Vivaldi - Cello sonata N1 B-dur on this page. All six Vivaldi's cello sonatas are thoroughly conventional from a structural point of view. They adopt the form of the Sonata da chiesa - four movements in a slow/fast/ slow/fast configuration. Vivaldi is not here concerned with expanding the traditional framework of the sonata: he chose to reserve formal experimentation and the exploitation of new sonorities for his preferred genre, the concerto. A number of elements are, however, common to both forms, and it is probably the contrast between solo and tutti, particularly prominent in the second movement of the E minor sonata, that inspired Pierre Fournier to make his orchestral transcriptions. Another element present in all of Vivaldi's works is that of dance, which lends musical phrases an intense rhythmic elan further emphasised by the frequent use of syncopation, particularly on the strong beats of binary bars.

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Instrument part: 3 pages. 123 K


Piano part: 7 pages. 240 K


Vivaldi - Cello sonata N1 B-dur - Instrument part - first page Vivaldi - Cello sonata N1 B-dur - Piano part - first page
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Vivaldi fully appreciated the essentially lyrical quality of the cello (we need listen no further than the first movement of the sixth sonata to realise the truth of this), and it is perhaps more than a coincidence that the cellos best treasured today are those of the eighteenth-century Venetian makers.

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