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Znosko - Borovsky - Cello concerto op.43

Znosko - Borovsky - Cello concerto op.43. You can download the PDF sheet music Znosko - Borovsky - Cello concerto op.43 on this page. This glorious and interesting string opus by this recognized maestro - is still the exclusive masterpiece of repertoire for classical cello.

Alexander Znosko-Borovsky (1908–1983) was an Ukrainian Soviet composer, the honored worker of arts of USSR (1979). He worked as a composer and consultant at the Kiev Film Studio from 1931 to 1942.  He studied violin and composition at the Kiev Conservatory. In the face of a threatened Nazi invasion in 1941, he went to Ashkhabad, Turkmenia, where he was instrumental in promoting indigenous music. Several of his works were based on Turkmenian themes.
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PDF format sheet music

Instrument part: 10 pages. 719 K


Piano part: 27 pages. 1766 K


Znosko - Borovsky - Cello concerto op.43 - Instrument part - first page Znosko - Borovsky - Cello concerto op.43 - Piano part - first page
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