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Hoffmeister - 12 Studies for viola solo

Hoffmeister - 12 Studies for viola solo. You can download the PDF sheet music Hoffmeister - 12 Studies for viola solo on this page. The 12 Studies for Solo Viola are a world premiere recording. One wonders whether Hoffmeister may have been aware of Bach's Cello Suites. This would be easy to believe, as the "Viola Studies" go far beyond the pedagogical intentions pursued by pure practice etudes and the entertainment factor of simple musical divertisments. Certainly the interpreter is permitted to demonstrate his virtuosity with the instrument, but he must also be able to do justice to the spiritual and intellectual dimension of these solo pieces. It is precisely through this that this "experiment" crystallises, pointing backwards to Bach and forwards to later composers such as Chopin and Debussy. Hoffmeister did not, however, have to depart from the sound sphere of the Viennese classical for this purpose, or - as Beethoven later did - to burst the bonds of the formal rules of composition of his time. On the contrary: for him, a very simple melody, as in Study No. 5 in G major, is sufficient as starting point for a series of variations.

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Instrument part: 18 pages. 3766 K



Hoffmeister - 12 Studies for viola solo - Instrument part - first page
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