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Arrieu Claude - Sonatina for flute and piano

Claude Arrieu - Sonatina for flute and piano

Claude Arrieu - Sonatina for flute and piano. You can download the PDF sheet music Claude Arrieu - Sonatina for flute and piano on this page. Claude Arrieu was a prolific French composer, who studied at the Paris Conservatoire with Dukas, among others, taking first prize for composition in 1932. Her music had the ease of flow and elegance of structure that typified Parisian neo-classicism, while avoiding the often concomitant frivolity. Vivacity, clarity of expression and a natural feel for melody were her hall marks. Her music included several stage works, concertos and numerous wind chamber pieces. This is a flute piece, sonatine for two instruments - flute and piano.

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Flute part: 5 pages. 603 K


Piano part: 16 pages. 1094 K


Claude Arrieu - Sonatina for flute and piano - Flute part - first page Claude Arrieu - Sonatina for flute and piano - Piano part - first page
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