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Ibert - Flute concerto

Ibert - Flute concerto

Ibert - Flute concerto. You can download the PDF sheet music Ibert - Flute concerto on this page. Ibert's Flute Concerto was firstly performed on 24 February 1934. The secret of Ibert's style was that he had only ever agreed to write the sort of music that he was happy listening to himself. The airy virtuosity of the outer movements of the flute Concerto and the lyrical song of the middle movement recall the picture-postcard world of Ibert's orchestral travelogue Escalos, and everything falls graciously on the ear. The opening movement is a quicksilver dance, which gives way to a soulful Andante of haunting sweetness, and then the dance returns, more demotic and at times jazzy for the finale. Overall, the Ibert's flute Concerto displays a uniquely French sense of excitement and poise - a kind of flamboyant restraint.

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Flute part: 12 pages. 577 K


Piano part: 12 pages. 924 K


Ibert - Flute concerto - Flute part - first page Ibert - Flute concerto - Piano part - first page
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