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Kuhlau - Grande Sonate concertante for flute and piano op.85

Kuhlau - Grande Sonate concertante for flute and piano op.85

Kuhlau - Grande Sonate concertante for flute and piano op.85. You can download the PDF sheet music Kuhlau - Grande Sonate concertante for flute and piano op.85 on this page. The Sonata, Op. 85, was published in 1827, and its substantial content makes it one of Kuhlau's most important works. It is composed on an almost Beethove-nian scale, and bearing in mind that it was written for an instrument predating Bohm, makes major technical demands which suggest that it was not written exclusively for performance by amateurs. Along with the flute writing, which indicates thorough familiarity with the instrument and its capabilities, the writing for the piano, the instrument on which Kuhlau himself excelled, is also of the highest order.

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Flute part: 12 pages. pages. 1016 K


Piano part: 26 pages. pages. 2109 K


Kuhlau - Grande Sonate concertante for flute and piano op.85 - Flute part - first page Kuhlau - Grande Sonate concertante for flute and piano op.85 - Piano part - first page
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Friedrich Kuhlau (1786 — 1832) was born in Germany but spent most of his career as a composer in Denmark, where he laid the foundations for a national style of Danish music. He was also active as a pianist, in which capacity he was a staunch advocate of the works of Beethoven, whom he visited in Vienna in 1825, and exerted considerable influence. Kuhlau composed many Sonatinas and other works for piano which are still widely used today for teaching purposes, but the genre in which he displayed his abilities to the full was surely that of flute music. Kuhlau wrote thirty works for the flute, and was himself proficient on the instrument. These works, composed on commission from his publisher and issued in rapid succession, were much favored by contemporary amateurs of the flute, whose numbers were constantly on the increase.
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