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Brahms - Viola sonata Op.120 N2

Brahms - Viola sonata Op.120 N2. You can download the PDF sheet music Brahms - Viola sonata Op.120 N2 on this page. The E-flat Major Sonata op. 120, no. 2, by contrast, is more unified with its three movements forming a circle rather than a line. The outer movements lead into an "idyllic sanctuary". Brahms already has found peace with himself and with the world by the Allegro amabile designation of the first movement. The serene refinement is not even upset by the passionate middle movement with its tempestuous waltz in E Flat minor. And with the concluding set of variations Brahms could not have found a milder finale, one that seems to glow as if with the last rays of the setting sun. Not a triumphant conclusion, but a gentle gliding into an Arcadian scene.

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Viola part: 8 pages. 1825 K


Piano part: 28 pages. 5361 K


Viola part - First page Piano part - First page
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Typically, Brahms experts are primarily concerned with thematic and motivic connections, yet the modernity of the Sonatas op. 120 lies not just in their network of relationships but primarily in their sonic architecture. The interior spaces and dwellings of the soul that Brahms is able to reach with his sonatas are symbolised most clearly by the dynamics. Only the final movements of both Sonatas end in forte; all the other movements end in piano. The main dynamic development thus describes a composed descrescendo that leads into silence. The only movement in either of the Sonatas in which forte dominates is the Allegro appassionato of the E-flat Major Sonata. Here Brahms gives the piano a long passage in forte and even, exceptionally, in fortissimo. But already in the middle section entitled Sostenuto, he limits the relatively expressive character of the piano with the performance direction ma dolcee ben cantando (to be sung sweetly and well). Whether forte or piano, Brahms usually adds a protective dolce, for that is the lyric groundwork upon which he has constructed his Sonatas.

Last Updated on 23 August 2017
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