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Bunin - Viola concerto

Bunin - Viola concerto

Bunin - Viola concerto. You can download the PDF sheet music Bunin - Viola concerto on this page. Revol Samoilovich Bunin was born in Moscow in 1924. In 1945 Bunin graduated the Moscow Conservatoire, where he studied composition under Professors G. I. Litinsky, V. Y. Shebalin and D. D. Shostakovich. Bunin was the author of two symphonies, "Overture-Fantasia" for orchestra two string quartets, a sonata for viola and piano, a number of vocal pieces, incidental music to several film's and radio programmes. This Viola Concerto was composed in 1953 and it was performed for the first time in November, 1954 in Saratov under the baton of N. G. Factorovich, the viola part played by Rudolph Barshai to whom The Concerto was dedicated. Its enveloping melodiousness, emotional wealth combined with the unity and integrity of composer's conception win the appreciation of the public. The potentialities of virtuosity offered by the solo instrument are skilfully used in this Concerto.

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Viola part: 18 pages. 5937 K


Piano part: 51 pages. 18212 K


Bunin - Viola concerto - Viola part - first page Bunin - Viola concerto - Piano part - first page
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23 August 2020
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